Igniting Professional Learning for Education Leaders

Introducing the Signature Leadership 24/25 Season

Individually and collectively, we are starting another school year. Recognizing that we live in uncertain times, still complicated by ongoing effects of the pandemic, in an ever-increasing interconnected world. COVID-19 complicated issues; it was/is a disruptor. Technology is another. Concerns about equity gaps, disengagement, and learning outcomes continue. A sense of urgency is real. What do we, as educators and policy makers, need to consider as we continue to ride the waves of change? Districts and schools are educational ecosystems. In the Signature Leadership by Knowledgehook library, you can find experts sharing their insights on topical and pertinent issues.

We acknowledge, “Education is now recognized as one of the critical drivers for social and economic change” (Grose & Freedman, 2014: 34). As leaders, how can we influence and improve learning in our classrooms and schools? How can we collaborate considering approaches and solutions? Students come to school to learn, so how can we as leaders intentionally sustain an equitable, inclusive, and engaging learning organization and culture? This will be our focus in these curated learning sessions for 2024-2025.  What are learning leaders concerned about today? What issues are you discussing? The topics will be timely, drawing on lessons learned from previous Knowledgehook sessions, and current evidence-based practices in digestible segments.

Design Principles for 2024-2025

Based on our experience over the past few years and on feedback we’ve received from participants, we are re-building Signature Leadership by Knowledgehook according to the following design principles:

Aligned to the School Year Calendar

School years follow a certain rhythm and our intent is to offer thought leadership topics connected to the tasks leaders may be undertaking each month. For this reason, a relevant topic has been assigned to each month*. The content will be posted under the headings such as “What we’re thinking about in September…”


We are all thought leaders. Every leader has the opportunity to receive and to contribute, to learn and to teach, to learn independently and within networks. The format will feature opportunities for participants to engage with experts and with each other. There will be new features, e.g. “Let’s talk - comments, questions, ideas?”, “Let’s talk about - suggested topics”, "Let’s talk with - suggested experts on a topic"

Bite-Sized Professional Learning
We understand that educators are extremely busy in their role of leading classrooms, schools, districts, state and national departments of education. The format will enable educators to pop in, stay for a while, and come back. Each month there will be: a guest host (expert on the topic), a lead article with embedded short video clips, links to additional videos, podcasts, articles, and opportunities to interact with other educators.Live Events
Continuous learning is essential. In addition to the planned monthly topics and curated content, we will continue to offer live events in the format of Roundtables with leading experts on a variety of topics. The SEL Global Leadership Series will continue with our formidable partners Salzburg Global Seminar and Karanga, with special sessions including the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills.

Signature Leadership 24/25 Schedule: 

September - Belonging
October - Foundational Skills - Math
November - Transforming Education
December - Measuring Student Learning
January - Equity
February - Well-being
March - Student Engagement
April - Technology and AI
May - Developing System Leaders
June - Community Connections

*We acknowledge that this school year calendar broadly reflects the northern hemisphere. We’re open to add topics based on the southern hemisphere’s calendar.