Changing Math Instruction the Bob Moses Way

SEL Global Leadership Series
in partnership with:

Salzburg Global Seminar

September 13, 2022

Bob Moses, the renowned American math educator and civil rights activist, believed that the ability to do math is a civil right. He stated: “Mathematics and the world are integrated; they cannot be separated”. Bob was the founder of The Algebra Project; its mission was to ensure all students, particularly minority students had the algebra skills to qualify for honor math and science in high school. While sadly, this incredible leader passed in 2021, his work continues at the new Bob Moses Research Center for Math Literacy in Florida. There is much to be learned from how Bob Moses viewed education, and more specifically math education as a pathway towards equitable outcomes for all. 

During this one-hour Roundtable, Maisha Moses (Executive Director, The Young People’s Project, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale; Cambridge, USA) and Daniel Gohl (Senior Advisor, Bob Moses Research Center for Math Literacy Through Public Education, Florida International University; Miami, USA) made short presentations and engaged in a discussion based on questions and comments from participants in this live session. 

1. Who was Bob Moses? How did he connect his experience as a high school math teacher to his activism on civil rights? 

2. Tell us about the Algebra Project. What do we know about math outcomes for minority students? How has the Algebra Project supported the improvement of outcomes for these students?