Education for Human Flourishing

SEL Global Leadership Series
in partnership with:

Salzburg Global Seminar
Global Cities Education Network Symposium

November 13, 2024

In December 2023, the OECD began work developing a conceptual framework to support countries in reimagining their education systems. The framework is centred on holistic education - education encompassing both a diverse curriculum and well-being, while emphasizing inclusivity and fair access. The notion is that educational goals should go beyond preparing students for employment but should also equip students to find purpose in life through learning. A flourishing life is defined as “reason-based, moral, meaningful, contemplative, and capable of awe”. 

As the world races forward with AI capacity expanding exponentially over short time frames, questions remain on how to help students develop their human skills in order to navigate this new world. At the same time as national/state education policy makers reflect on new frameworks and curricula, educators are in classrooms, schools, and districts facilitating learning for their students who will emerge into this evolving world.

Our upcoming Signature Leadership Webinar will be in conjunction with Helsinki Capital Education, the HundrED Innovation Summit, and the Global Cities Education Network Symposium. These three events will bring together global educators and innovators to explore this important theme. This session will be live streamed enabling educators from around the world to join in the conversation.

Watch panelists Anthony Mackay (Consultant Advisor, Global Cities Education Network (GCEN); Washington, DC, USA), Marjo Kyllönen (Head of Education Development Services, City of Helsinki; Helsinki, Finland) and Shelley Montgomery (Superintendent, Ottawa Catholic District School Board; Ottawa, Canada) for this compelling discussion. Registrants are welcome to engage with these leaders through the chat.