Lobbying for SEL in a Chaotic World

SEL Global Leadership Series
in partnership with:

Salzburg Global Seminar

March 3, 2025

It seems increasingly obvious that both children and adults will need social emotional skills to navigate the chaotic world in which we live. Yet, how do we ensure that governments hear the need and act by supporting policies to embed the teaching and learning of these skills into education policy?

In this session, we will learn from two examples in the UK and in India about how to talk with elected officials, how to make a case for SEL in school systems, and how to ensure that children develop these critical skills in their day to day educational experience.

Watch panelists Sam Rushworth (Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom; London, England), Vishal Talreja (Co-Founder, Dream a Dream; Bangalore, India) and host Dominic Regester (Director, Center for Education Transformation, Salzburg Global Seminar; Salzburg, Austria) for this compelling discussion. Registrants are welcome to engage with these leaders through the chat.