The OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills is an international survey that identifies and assesses the conditions and practices that foster or hinder the development of social and emotional skills for 10- and 15-year-old students. The second cycle of the survey had participation from 15 countries. The resulting report Social and Emotional Skills for Better Lives is the initial report that delves into the findings from across the 21 countries.
Watch panelists Stephanie Jones (Gerald S. Lesser Professor of Child Development and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education; Cambridge, USA) Noémie Le Donné (Senior Project Manager, Organisation for Co-operation and Development (OECD); Paris, France) and Gemma Coleman (Policy Analyst, Organisation for Co-operation and Development (OECD); Paris, France) and facilitator Dominic Regester (Director, Center for Education Transformation, Salzburg Global Seminar; Salzburg, Austria) for this compelling discussion.