Wellness and Well-being

Wellness and well-being are fostered through intentional efforts to integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) into school environments, providing supportive spaces, staff training, and resources to help students thrive both personally and academically.

We live in turbulent times. “The world is experiencing “rapid, unpredictable and unprecedented change. Resilience, a sense of belonging and well-being are needed to counteract growing anxiety, depression, anger and frustration (Nauckm Pancaldi, Poppensieker, White, 2022: 2).  This month’s article builds on previous posts, and given the ongoing polycrisis, this topic remains highly relevant. 

The Knowledgehook Leadership Series includes a wealth of relevant programming including 2024 webinars such as Education for Human Flourishing.

COVID-19 was profoundly disruptive, exacerbating challenges to well-being and belonging. The shift to virtual communication left many feeling isolated and experiencing a loss of control. According to The Lancet, (2021) anxiety disorder went up 25.6% and depressive disorder by 27.6% [i]. The prevalence of anxiety and depression is greater for adolescents; however, adults were/are also negatively affected.

Well-being has been affected and with it a sense of belonging (Longaretti. 2020).   Previously, in September, we discussed belonging. A sense of belonging is closely tied to well-being, fostering connectedness, voice and emotional engagement (Longaretti, 2020; OECD, 2020). The issue of student voice and well-being was explored in the 2021 webinar SEL and Youth Voice.

What is Wellness and Well-being?
“Wellness is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is not a passive or static state but rather a dynamic and conscious development of the whole self. Wellness is associated with intentions, choices, and actions leading toward an optimal state of well-being so that instead of surviving, you're thriving.” [ii] It comprises an active process of self-awareness and choice, leading toward a sense of wellbeing [iii].

Supporting Well-being
Analysis of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2022 data reveals that students with a strong sense of belonging are more likely to make friends easily and less likely to experience loneliness (Longaretti, 2020; OECD, 2020). The OECD global study of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) looked at students from nine cities. They determined that a strong sense of belonging and well-being has both academic and non-academic benefits [iv]. Underserved communities such as immigrant, migrant, racialized students and students with diverse learning needs report feeling a diminished sense of belonging and well-being, which often influences their readiness to inter-relate and learn (Longaretti, 2020; OECD, 2020; OECD, 2023; Yoder, Ward & Wolforth, 2021).  Research indicates that personal interactions from caring adults result in students who are more likely to persist through challenges (Johnson, Singh, & Martinez, 2024). Integrating SEL is therefore an essential tool that supports the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs [v].

According to the New Hampshire Department of Education (2024), Wellness and Well-being encompass several competencies, which are inter-relatable:

·   Emotional 
           · Positive, optimistic, self-efficacy, resilient
·   Personal 
           · A sense of purpose and meaning, reflective, sense of right            and wrong
           · Empathy
·   Intellectual 
           · Curious, creative
           · Knowledge and skills
           · Affirming
·   Physical 
           · Positive interpersonal relationships
           · Healthy practices and routines
·   Occupational  
           · Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work or            institution 
           · Feeling a sense of belonging
·   Environmental   
           · Safe, nurturing healthy spaces

Actioning Safe, Respectful and Nurturing Environments
This is why social, emotional and safe learning spaces are highly rated.  OECD (2003) recognizes schools are the perfect places/spaces for social and emotional learning. Staff need support and ongoing training to embed SEL in the curriculum and make it integral to the programming (OECD, 2023). Students and staff want an opportunity to learn more and talk about issues of wellness and mental health through embedded, holistic Social Emotional Learning or SEL (Lancet, 2023).  Staff want to share the vocabulary and concepts so that students can make sense of their own wellness. To do that, we need access to resources, tools and trained professionals like social workers, psychologists and psychiatrists. In some jurisdictions, therapy is being delivered through virtual platforms like Zoom, Teams and Meet to discuss issues including stress, anxiety, financial challenges, transitions and change. Wellness impacts productivity and affects us all (Denham Smith & Grandey, 2022).  These ideas are reinforced in OECD Survey of Social and Emotional Skills from 2022, which includes links to OECD resources.

Wellness and well-being require intentionality for students, families and staff. The OECD found that well-being, rooted in social-emotional learning (SEL), is adaptable and shaped by the school's culture and climate (2020; 2022). So model SEL as a staff. Be visible, situationally aware, respectful and responsive to individual and group dynamics. Often wellness is linked to the well-being of the larger communities, so engage with them (OECD, 2020). 

Many schools are also incorporating mindfulness into the school day (Elias, 2024; OECD, 2023). Context matters. Engage students and staff about their learning experiences and learning environments. Actively listen. Make sure you are checking in; measuring attitudinal outcomes like satisfaction and burnout. Be cognizant of conflict. Micro agressions exist in classes and schools and are barriers to well-being. Become informed.  Stay current. Acknowledge points of potential conflict and disconnections.

Consistently, reiterate shared norms. Reframe and be responsive and adaptive when managing conflict. The messaging of well-being and improvement is ongoing; “evolving rather than being static with a fixed end point” (Le Fevre, Timperley, Twyford, Ell, 2020:2). Be nurturing and asset-based. Provide students with skills and vocabularies to develop their wellness and well-being dimensions (Elias, 2024; Lancet, 2023). Give positive, formative feedback as the skills and language are developing.

As we have previously written, equity forms part of intersectionality, and students who are underserved need intentional, sustained access to identity-affirming, strength-based services and support (Yoder et al., 2021). For disengaged students, focus on well-being and belonging (Winthrop, Shoukry & Nitkin, 2025). Utilize trauma-sensitive training for educators to build spaces for safe learning. Teachers, students and families require ongoing training to recognize the predictors and warning signs for suicide. Peer supports can prove helpful for staff, students and families. Well-being also requires access to nutrition programs that promote physical well-being. Providing a range of co-instructional activities provides opportunities for students to develop social and emotional skills (OECD, 2023; Leschitz, Faxon-Mills, Prado Tuma, Tosh, Augustine & Schwartz, 2023; Yoder et al., 2021).  Check out SEL in Conflict and Crisis for some additional strategies and approaches.

Broden, D. (2022). Cross-sector and Interprofessional collaborations: A powerful tool for the teaching profession? OECD #283.

Bureau of Student Wellness (2024). What is student wellness?  New Hampshire Department of Education.

Denham Smith, D. & Grandey, A. (2022). The emotional labour of being a leader, Harvard Business Review, https://hbr.org/2022/11/the-emotional-labor-of-being-a-leader.

De Smet, A., Hewes, C., Luo, M. & Simon, P. (2022). If we are so busy, why isn’t anything getting done? McKinsey & Company.

Edmondson, A. (2019). The fearless organization. New York: Wiley. 

Elias, M. How social-emotional learning can unify your school community: 7 timely tips. Education Week https://www.edweek.org/leadership/opinion-how-social-emotional-learning-can-unify-your-school-community-7-timely-tips/2024/11

Fullan, M. & Gallagher, M.J. (2020). The devil is in the details: System Solutions for Equity, Excellence and Student Well-being. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Fullan. M., Quinn, J. & McEachen, J. (2018). Deep learner: Engage the world, change the world. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press & OPC.

Grissom, J., Egalite, A. & Lindsay, C. (2021). How principals affect students and schools: A systematic synthesis of two decades of research, New York: The Wallace Foundation.

Hattie, J. & Zierer, K. (2018). 10 Mindframes for visible learning: Teaching for success. NY, NY: Routledge.

Johnson, A., Singh, P., & Martinez, R. (2024). Student persistence factors in higher education: A longitudinal study. Journal of College Student retention: Research Theory & Practice.

Lancet. (2021). Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic - https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0140-6736%2821%2902143-7

Le Fevre, D., Timperley, H., Twyford, K. & Ell, F. (2020).Leading powerful professional learning: Responding to complexity with adaptive expertise. Corwin Press & Learning Forward.

Leschitz, J., Faxon-Mills, S., Prado Tuma, A., Tosh, K., Augustine, C., and Schwartz, H. (2023). Skills for Success: Developing social and emotional competencies in out-of-school-time programs, https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA379-11.html

Lewis, K. & Kuhfeld, M. (2022), Progress toward pandemic recovery: Continued signs of rebounding achievement at the start of the 2022-23 school year, https://www.nwea.org/uploads/2022/12/CSSP-Brief_Progress-toward-pandemic-recovery_DEC22_Final.pdf

MacDonald, E. (2023). Intentional moves: How skillful team leaders impact learning. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

Nauck, F., Pancaldi, L. Poppensieker, T. & White, O. (2021). The resilience imperative: Succeeding in uncertain times, McKinsey & Company,

OECD (2020), "Sense of belonging at school", in PISA 2018 Results (Volume III): What School Life Means for Students’ Lives, OECD Publishing, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/d69dc209-en.

OECD, (2021) Beyond Academic Learning,

OECD. (2023). Schools as hubs for social and emotional learning – Are schools and teachers ready? #4, https://www.oecd.org/content/dam/oecd/en/publications/reports/2023/03/schools-as-hubs-for-social-and-emotional-learning_2ed84e68/f6d12db7-en.pdf

Ontario Principals’ Council (2022). Trauma-sensitive leadership study report, Trauma_Sensitive__School_Leadership_Advocacy_Paper_Final_Report.pdf (principals.ca).

Parry, S. (2022). 4 strategies for unlocking the value of SEL, 4 strategies for unlocking the value of SEL | K-12 Dive (k12dive.com)

Winthrop, R., Shoukry, Y. & Nitkin, D. (2025). The Disengagement Gap: Why student engagement isn’t what parents expect, Brookings Institute,

Yoder, N., Ward, A. & Wolforth, S. (2021). Instructional Practices that integrate equity-centered, social, emotional and academic learning, American Institutes for Research, https://www.air.org/sites/default/files/2021-12/Social-Emotional-Learning-Equity-Centered-Instructional-Practices-December-2021.pdf

Zakaria, F.  (2020). Ten lessons for a post-pandemic world. NY: Norton Company,

[i]  Global prevalence and burden of depressive and anxiety disorders in 204 countries and territories in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic - The Lancet

[ii]  Seven Dimensions of Wellness - Wilfrid Laurier University

[iii] Wellness vs. Well-Being: What’s the Difference? - WebMD

[iv]  OECD Findings on Inclusion - Feb 9 2022 , Overview of study – 5:45 – 8:50, and details using the Finnish example 11:25 – 14:35

[v] SEL & Youth Voice - Oct 13, 2021, Setting the Context 4:14 – 6:53